These pictures were taken one week after I began the project. My starter is rising and falling on a consistant schedule. It will rise until I have to stir it. The control smells like a classic bread dough, however the other starter has more of a sweet smell to it. There is an alcohol like smell. This is most likely due to the fermentation of the peaches . The top was sticky and doughy, however the underneath was slightly watery, almost like a runny pancake mix. They are still on a twenty-four hour feeding schedule because I have had to work this week during when they would need to be fed. When I move home at the end of this week I will transition into a twelve hour feeding cycle. The pictures show a pale white foam in the cup. I am not sure if it is mold, however, I am not completely sure. Everything else has ran smooth.
September 10, 2020
Comments by cebarre4